Dream of a Golden Room
Dream of a Golden Room
by Chong Geyer
Imagine a golden room. This room is made with pure shiny gold--so magnificent that you can’t even wrap your head around it. This was a recurring dream that I had throughout my childhood, and I could never put my finger on its true meaning until one day in 2005.
My heavenly home is bigger than this world because it’s eternity. My real home isn’t here. My perfect home is in heaven where I will feel safe; that’s my refuge. No matter where I go or whatever I do, I don’t feel I belong here on this Earth because I want to be in a place where I can be content and not worry or fear because of where I’m going. No one will come near me or hurt me ever again. If anyone wanted to hurt me than they would have to go through God first. And I know that no one can go through God, so that’s how I know I will be safe. I won't be here in this life forever. I am just passing through. This world is just a temporary home and not my eternal home.
I always felt that there was something missing in my life, and I couldn't figure out what was missing. I had a big hole in my heart, and I felt so empty. I had been soul searching for many years. No matter how much I searched, I still couldn't find the right answers. Why couldn’t I find the right answers, I asked myself? Then it dawned on me. First, I didn't know what was missing in my life to begin with. If I didn't know what was missing, how could I find it? I decided to go for long walks, and some days I walked thirty miles a day. I had been walking many years even though I never found those missing pieces.
In 2005, I was very ill with endometriosis. I thought I couldn’t survive anymore because of the excruciating pain I had suffered for ten years. One summer day, I was running my errands, and I had just come home. As soon as I parked my car, my spirit jumped out of my body. I tried to catch my spirit’s balance. My right hand tried to catch my spirit, and I grasped at my spirit, saying, “I’m not ready yet,” but at the same time, I knew I was dying because my left hand was on my heart, and I felt my heart beat three times and stop. Then I was dead.
I went to heaven, and I saw God face to face. Then He spoke to me and said, “When you die, you will go right next to me. There's a door; I want you to go look at it.”
As soon as He spoke, a plain, narrow brown door appeared, looking like a regular house door. It wasn't fancy.
The next words He spoke to me were, “Before that, I want to show you how it works around here. Now here are seven angels around me.” As soon as He spoke, seven cherub angels appeared, flying around behind Him. Then He grabbed a pen and paper, wrote something, and then He gave it to the angels.
All seven angels went out to deliver the message; then they all came back and flew around behind him.
Then He spoke again, saying, “Now there's a door. I want you to go look at it.” But I didn't know what to expect, so I just stood in front of Him. Then He said kindly to me, “It’s ok. Go look.” So I walked towards the door, and I opened it to something magnificent. I couldn’t find the right words to describe how spectacular and awe-inspiring the room was. All the floors were made of beautiful red carpet, and the wall trimming was made of shiny gold.
As I walked in further and further, the room grew larger and larger and wider and wider; there was no end. Then I stopped and looked both left and right, and all I saw was eternity. This room was infinity just like heaven, and then suddenly a huge white wall descended in front of me, and I came back to life again.
After that, I didn’t need to search anymore, because I found what I had been looking for all my life. Those childhood dreams of the golden room led me to true blessings. Now my heart is filled with so much happiness and joy that I can’t express how that made me feel – how my heart finally became whole.
Now I have a clear vison of what I must do on this earth. Now the time has come. I want to tell you why I’m here on this earth, but I’m not sure you will be able to understand. What I’m about to tell you is not what you want to hear from me. I thank God for revealing Himself to me. I feel very blessed to know Him and gracious for how He completed my life. He is my hope, refuge, best friend, and my confidant. He is all I need. I came here to love you, help you and teach you to understand who God is.
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