
Dream of a Golden Room

Dream of a Golden Room by Chong Geyer Imagine a golden room. This room is made with pure shiny gold--so magnificent that you can’t even wrap your head around it. This was a recurring dream that I had throughout my childhood, and I could never put my finger on its true meaning until one day in 2005. My heavenly home is bigger than this world because it’s eternity. My real home isn’t here. My perfect home is in heaven where I will feel safe; that’s my refuge. No matter where I go or whatever I do, I don’t feel I belong here on this Earth because I want to be in a place where I can be content and not worry or fear because of where I’m going.  No one will come near me or hurt me ever again. If anyone wanted to hurt me than they would have to go through God first. And I know that no one can go through God, so that’s how I know I will be safe. I won't be here in this life forever. I am just passing through. This world is just a temporary home and not my eternal home.   I always felt...